Monday, January 7, 2019

One Word Diary Day 6 and 7

Day 6 and 7
January 7, 2019

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.
What is the ultimate goal in my life?

  • To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.
As I describe my thought in “My 2019 One Word Proclamation” the last part here above makes it clear that I want to make everything I do give glory to God. I cannot do that if I am self-righteously seeking to please myself. One thing I have heard from therapist in personal talks and in videos and books is when you are in deep depression and anxiety ridden, is to go back to a place where you were happiest and find things to do that make you feel good about yourself. This NEVER made me feel good about myself, NEVER EVER.

So that is when back in 2017 I decided, I believe lead by God the Holy Spirit, to go back to basics. I started reading scripture in a way more focused oriented way. I started in John just as I did when I first was saved when I was a child. Then went on to the Letters. I realized that even though its been years since I left the Word-Faith cult I was still being tormented by the false theology; it was etched into my brain. I spent many months all the way into 2018 to get rid of this “Words are power thinking” and replacing it with GOD’s Word is power. I was living my life fearing that my thoughts and my words are powerful enough to destroy my own life. This way of thinking can and did with me lead me into a world of depression and anxiety that I am still battling daily.

This book, “One Word that will change your life” helped me see the simplicity of ridding myself of the bad theology that I was taught and negative thoughts I learned from years of failure in life and replace it with relying solely on Jesus for salvation, Faith in Him to turn my life around by the reading of Scripture and Applying it to my daily life and trusting in Him when temptations to fall back into the old patterns that made my life backwards to the God's goal in my life, and that goal that ultimate goal is to glorify God in everything I do, to Praise GOD.

I thank God For His Holy Word.
Again I must say The change in Thought was not based on the Book I have mentioned, But The Holy Spirit used the book and the authors to point me to scripture that is life changing. The book is not the end all to all my problems either. I still have negative thoughts, I still have depression and anxiety, I may have this for life. But by focusing my year in one word, simply make my life easier to follow Christ more accurately.

Praise and Glory be to God and to God Alone. AMEN!!!

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