Saturday, January 5, 2019

One Word Day Five

Day Five
January 5, 2019

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.

The next part is so personal for me.
  • a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life
I can get so caught up in trying to better myself that I tend to forget that my life is not my own, like I was saying in my last post. Using the One Word thought process this years, my first years word is Application. So, I am trying, working hard at shutting down selfish desires that get in the way of my walk with Christ.
It’s not easy, It is officially the fifth day of the year and I have been tempted so many times a day to go back to my old lifestyle. But thanks be to God, he has seen fit to remind me of what my proclamation to Him says. And he makes me a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).
This is not new in my walk, God has always shown me the way out away from sinning when tempted, I ignored it.
I am not sure what it was that made the difference the last week of December 2018. When I found the devotional and then reading the Book, “One Word that will change your life” the simplicity was real. The thought of simplifying my walk from thousands of ways from several sermons I have listened to and read of the last decade to just remembering One Word for the year of 2019, it was providence.
God is going to use this walk this year to make my life HIS, not mine. The reason I know this is going to work is it already is showing fruit since recalling the word, Application, to my situations. Application of the scriptures is showing me that I can turn from sin and not do as the old man would have done. I guess you can say that I am finally growing up, instead of drinking milk i am eating solid food (1 Corinthians 3:2) I wasn’t ready yet, but now I am, as the The Holy Spirit leads i learn through this walk of #OneWord2019.

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