Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Painting Pictures of Egypt

And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.  Deuteronomy 8:2-3

Sara Groves - Painted Pictures of Egypt
Sara sings in this song, "Those Roads are closed off to me, while my back was turned". This screamed out to me words of incredible understanding. The scripture above reminded me of something that my Pastor in Oklahoma told me.
Pastor Nick Garland of First Baptist of Broken Arrow had a sermon series going on The Exodus. I went up to him after the service once and said to him, "i just don't understand how the Israelites would want to go back to Egypt."
He said something I will never forget he said something like this:
We all go through that though. We see the past as something it's not and think things like remember back when this good thing happened or that good thing happened and not remembering the struggles that were there, thus causing the reason why we weren't there anymore.
i wish I could remember exactly how Pastor Nick said it to me but he was saying that we are all the same as The Israelites in the days of Noah. They were no different than we are today.

That reminds me of how things are for me today. There are roads closed to me that have been closed by God and I cannot reopen them no matter how I try. Because God doesn't want us to live in the past. God has made our way forward, there is a path that has been planned for us from the beginning of time. He chose us before the foundation of the world  He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ (Eph. 14-5). He chose me (and you) God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). He said in Deuteronomy 32:20,29) "I will see what their end will be, If they were wise they would discern their latter end". in Jeremiah 1:5, "before I formed you in the womb I knew You" 
(further study on predestination read:Romans 8:29; Acts 4:28; Ephesians 1:11)

"HE predestined us for adoption to HIMSELF as sons through Jesus Christ." Eph. 1:5!!! Since God has chosen us from the foundation of the world, that's the creation, then he has a future for us, we should never live in the past, nor do the things of the past no matter what they were, no matter if the worked for us then of not. There is a bright path in front of us who are in Christ Jesus, it's His word. (Psalm 119:105) 
Trust in God to lead you to your next lesson. Just like the Israelites in the desert he is testing us all, "that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not." (Deuteronomy 8:2) 
(More further reading in Deut. 8- God remind them in the desert what He had done like clothing, food and future read the verses in Deut. 8:3-20) its shows so much that God is still doing today. 

Take A moment
Think back, I know I said not to live in the past but this is different, remembering what God has done gives us hope. Think back on times that seemed hard and impossible to get through and see how God got you through those times, it will enlighten you to God's plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11) His great love for you (Psalm 86:13).

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Why and What

This is going to be a very personal update.
i've been in a lot of pain through the last few years and getting worse. I finally got a good doctor who listens, that is a blessing. i have been dealing with a neck injury for 20 + years with little to no help. For some reason i could not get my point across to the last four doctors that My neck is in severe pain.
But finally My current doctor listened and x-rayed my neck and found that I have a compression fracture on my C5 in my neck.
So we will be doing an MRI soon and then go from there.
I am still focusing on my one-word which is Application. In my bout with pain i am focusing on it much more than ever because without application of the scriptures in my life I would not be able to deal with the pain like I am. I am only taking over the counter pain meds and that's it. So the most I can do and the best is rely on God's healing hand to help me through this.
Please pray that something can be done if this bone in my neck. As the nurse said, "the injury is really, really old and there are bone spurs like all over the place" her exact words btw.
Anyway I will blog as I am able to, thanks

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Day 9

Day 9
Pray for enemies

Psalm 7:6 Arise, O Lord, in your anger; lift yourself up against the fury of my enemies

Matthew 5:43-44 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

This seems to counteract itself. David asks God to "rise up" against his enemies then later Jesus tells his disciples and us today that we should pray for our enemies. Why did it make it into the bible? Did David ask something that was opposed by God? 

We know that every word of the Holy Bible is inspired by The Holy Spirit.(2 Timothy 3:16) We also know that we are to pray for our enemies. in The Book of Psalms we read several time that David asked for God to intervene for him against his enemies. So what gives? 

It all is in the reaction. If we ever ask to have God "Rise up" against our enemies it would be for selfish gain. in David's case it's been asked so to give GOD ALL the glory. If we ask there would be no glory to God at all we are selfish humans and we do ask for selfish things that do not give God any glory at all, that is why many of our prayers go unanswered.

When Jesus instructed us to pray for our enemies, he is saying for us to be like Him, "Do what Jesus Did and is still doing today read the rest of Jesus statement:

45-48 45 " that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
English Standard Version (ESV)

We must pray for our enemies and do good to them as well, just as Our Heavenly Father has been good to the world.

It's not easy but we must make every effort to do so. 
Applying The Scriptures Daily


Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 8

One Word Diary
Day 8


So today has been a fair day. Not good not totally bad just fair. It's been one that I feel like i have been going through the motions of Applying the scriptures, not really giving into the temptations of life but really having a difficult time accepting that move.
I know that's weird right? But that's the true nature of man. Wanting two things at once. I want to do what God wants, but there is that part of me that wants sin as well.
Thank God we have prayer. Time in prayer to God through the Holy Spirit is the only way to fight sins pull and have true obedience. And then we still don't have to do that alone, The Holy Spirit gifts us spiritual self-control, the Gifts of the spirit(Galatians 5:22-23) which says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.", comes all together to fill us with the Spirit and puts away the part of us that is tempted.
It all starts with Joy of the Lord that gives us the peace only God gives, that gives us the strength to be patient through the temptation of sin. We find the will of God to be kind to others around us while being tempted instead of being short tempered due to the fight we are in, and goodness as well as faithfulness to God while he is seeing us through the trial and gentleness to ourselves as we are practising self-control that God gives us. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

One Word Diary Day 6 and 7

Day 6 and 7
January 7, 2019

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.
What is the ultimate goal in my life?

  • To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.
As I describe my thought in “My 2019 One Word Proclamation” the last part here above makes it clear that I want to make everything I do give glory to God. I cannot do that if I am self-righteously seeking to please myself. One thing I have heard from therapist in personal talks and in videos and books is when you are in deep depression and anxiety ridden, is to go back to a place where you were happiest and find things to do that make you feel good about yourself. This NEVER made me feel good about myself, NEVER EVER.

So that is when back in 2017 I decided, I believe lead by God the Holy Spirit, to go back to basics. I started reading scripture in a way more focused oriented way. I started in John just as I did when I first was saved when I was a child. Then went on to the Letters. I realized that even though its been years since I left the Word-Faith cult I was still being tormented by the false theology; it was etched into my brain. I spent many months all the way into 2018 to get rid of this “Words are power thinking” and replacing it with GOD’s Word is power. I was living my life fearing that my thoughts and my words are powerful enough to destroy my own life. This way of thinking can and did with me lead me into a world of depression and anxiety that I am still battling daily.

This book, “One Word that will change your life” helped me see the simplicity of ridding myself of the bad theology that I was taught and negative thoughts I learned from years of failure in life and replace it with relying solely on Jesus for salvation, Faith in Him to turn my life around by the reading of Scripture and Applying it to my daily life and trusting in Him when temptations to fall back into the old patterns that made my life backwards to the God's goal in my life, and that goal that ultimate goal is to glorify God in everything I do, to Praise GOD.

I thank God For His Holy Word.
Again I must say The change in Thought was not based on the Book I have mentioned, But The Holy Spirit used the book and the authors to point me to scripture that is life changing. The book is not the end all to all my problems either. I still have negative thoughts, I still have depression and anxiety, I may have this for life. But by focusing my year in one word, simply make my life easier to follow Christ more accurately.

Praise and Glory be to God and to God Alone. AMEN!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

One Word Day Five

Day Five
January 5, 2019

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.

The next part is so personal for me.
  • a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life
I can get so caught up in trying to better myself that I tend to forget that my life is not my own, like I was saying in my last post. Using the One Word thought process this years, my first years word is Application. So, I am trying, working hard at shutting down selfish desires that get in the way of my walk with Christ.
It’s not easy, It is officially the fifth day of the year and I have been tempted so many times a day to go back to my old lifestyle. But thanks be to God, he has seen fit to remind me of what my proclamation to Him says. And he makes me a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).
This is not new in my walk, God has always shown me the way out away from sinning when tempted, I ignored it.
I am not sure what it was that made the difference the last week of December 2018. When I found the devotional and then reading the Book, “One Word that will change your life” the simplicity was real. The thought of simplifying my walk from thousands of ways from several sermons I have listened to and read of the last decade to just remembering One Word for the year of 2019, it was providence.
God is going to use this walk this year to make my life HIS, not mine. The reason I know this is going to work is it already is showing fruit since recalling the word, Application, to my situations. Application of the scriptures is showing me that I can turn from sin and not do as the old man would have done. I guess you can say that I am finally growing up, instead of drinking milk i am eating solid food (1 Corinthians 3:2) I wasn’t ready yet, but now I am, as the The Holy Spirit leads i learn through this walk of #OneWord2019.

Friday, January 4, 2019

One Word Diary Day Four

Day Four
January 4.2019

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.

Let me first start today by saying that I praise God through whom all Blessings Flow. I love that song I learned this from First Baptist Alliance. We would sing it after offering. But there is so much more to that song than just Praising God for offering.

I want to make clear something that may ease some thoughts as to why i am explaining “My 2019 One Word Proclamation”. In NO WAY am I saying this is above God’s Word. This is not an end all phrase to sum up every thought I have. Nor am I saying that this is something that anyone else should look at as canon to the word of God. It is an example of what My heart is crying out to God. This proclamation comes from years of disobedience, years or disrespect to Him. It is a proclamation to the Trinity of God that I am serious in strengthening my relationship to Him and that I need Him every second of my life. If anything I am explaining this as much to myself more than to anyone reading.


To the next part
  • to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul,
The fourth part of the definition of Application is- the action of putting something on a surface.

This is one that I wanted to make perfectly clear to myself that to putting something on the surface is to make CLEAR to God and to myself that everything I do is not for the glory of showing my piousness. NO it’s much much more deeper than that. I have gone through my life just going through the motions of being a Christian, I am done with that. I am done with the selfish desires, although they still live within my spirit, I am daily, no hourly putting to death the selfishness of my wants.

Moment by moment there seems to be a creeping up of such filthy lies the devil whispers to me that I just can no longer live in the battle putting Faith in Christ to the sidelines. When In all reality God is the General of the Battle and I am the newbie in the war, the new fighter in the battle that know nothing of what’s going on.

This phrase, “to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul” is to show to myself that I am positive I cannot do this life without Him. Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance I have proven that I am messing up everything. This is a proclamation to myself that I need to take each thought captive (1 Corinthians 10:5). To make every decision based on what God wants not what I want, because what I want is selfish.

We, as followers of Christ, should live our life to the Glory of God. “16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:16-17; 23-24.

Everything we do we do in Christ name, sin is NOT in Christ name, that’s in our name and we are not our own, “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

We are God’s ambassadors, “20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 corinthians 5:20-21

Everything we do or say, should be as if Christ Himself said it. That is why it is so crucial to take EVERY THOUGHT captive, ALL to the Glory of GOD.

We are not perfect, I know that’s what I am thinking and its not possible for me as a human being to do this all day everyday, we cannot be perfect, but Christ that is within us through The Holy Spirit, is and through HIM we are made perfect. "As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him." Psalm 18:30 That's why Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

By increasing scripture reading, Singing hymns and praise songs to Christ and fellowship with other Christians, that’s what Paul meant in Colossians 3 by, “admonishing one another in all wisdom,” We can make our daily walk in Christ more fruitful and most of all Glorified in Christ.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

One Word Diary Day 3

Day Three
January 3, 2019

Today i am going to look at the next part of “My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.

  • To put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle

To have a good study of the word of God is SO important to a daily walk in Christ Jesus who is the Word (John 1:1-3). I like to study the Old Testament along with the New so as to read the entirety of the Bible in a year.

But there must be more than just reading through the bible, there must be times during the day where you focus your bible study daily on what you are going through. If you are in anxiety you read Psalms so you can reminded that God is with you always along with Jesus Sermon on the Mount where Jesus goes into detail about worry and support of God to have all your needs met.(Matthew 6)

We need to make a certain effort to read scripture for our daily needs. How do we do that? Through the Holy Spirit. Remembering what I touched on yesterday of making a formal request which is a ‘application’ definition, tell God your situation, praise God for the answer ahead of time, showing trust and that you rely on God for deliverance or at least peace while going through this situation, and most of all reading of Scripture.

What I have been trying to do lately is reading an entire letter of the New Testament. Start with the smaller ones such as Jude, 1,2, or 3 John and etc. The answers are in The Holy Bible for everything.

Example. I thought the Bible wouldn’t have anything to say about mental illness except that of the father who brought his son to Jesus to be healed of a demon, or the demon possessed man with “Legion”. The latter one came to mind a lot while being diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, but now I have found peace knowing that we can have the mind of Christ.(1 Corinthians 2). This along many other verses in scripture has helped me see that I can have mental or physical illnesses but it does not belittle my spirit. It proves that even though I am going through this situation, I am still able to teach others how to pray to GOD, praise God and read His word to get through trials, temptations and attacks of the evil one.

We are His children upon Salvation he will never let us go.(Romans 8)AMEN!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

One Word Day Two

Day Two
January 2, 2019

Building upon "My 2019 One Word Proclamation" I want to focus on one part of it as we continue on this second day of the year. Let me repost it here:

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.

I want to focus on this part:
“I am ready to make my formal request” - This was based on one part of the definition that described application as, “a formal request to an authority for something”. In prayer we ask God for things that in all truth is selfish. We are selfish people, we really are and that stands in the way of many important goals that God has for us.

One of these is worship. When we focus our day, starting as early as opening of our eyes, on what we want and what we think we need to do today. It starts the day all wrong. We need to put a mindset in starting the day in worship. Simply by focusing on The One, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is our Savior, our King, our Strong Tower, our Shield and so much more. God has given us himself at salvation, The Helper, The Holy Spirit who Jesus said is The Helper or counselor. When we make it a goal for ourselves to start the day in Worship. The Holy Spirit will help us in this goal because it glorifies God when we say a quick morning praise, even if its "Thank You Lord".

It’s one of those things we have to set our minds to. When we don’t, a domino effect occurs. Think back on times when you woke up and dashed around the room getting ready for the day without one word to God. Those are the days we usually post negative comments about the day like, “wish this day was over” etc.

So making a formal request is saying to God daily that we want and need to be in Christ in our day and life is an important first step to changing our life from a self driven life into a God led life.

The second goal God has for us is Prayer. Saying a formal request is Applying scripture. This means we get the opportunity to read scripture daily, reading something that reaches into our soul and then in return praying this scripture back to God in prayer.

Worshiping God by praise and scripture is a great way to start the day. I know not everyone has a lot of time in the morning. That is why App’s like YouVersion and Bible gateway is great for the early morning drive to work. You can listen to the reader, reading the scripture and then pray while you drive, you don’t have to close your eyes to talk to God.

Praying scripture back to God is worship. It is also a way of saying, "I agree with this and this is my way of saying that this scripture is so important to my daily walk that I want to make this my Application to today, my formal request to You God to make this day yours to make my walk with you lead by You and not by me."

When you get this mindset daily to start your day in agreement that God is in control and not you, then the stresses of life that come, and they will come in streams, because the devil will test your relationship with Christ in regards to this formal request, You will find that it is easier to make this day count as one day for Christ.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

One Word for 2019 -Application-

Day one
January 1, 2019

I’m going to start the year thinking on the One Word that came to me while praying, reading and meditating on the Word of God; that word for me this year of 2019 is “Application”
Application comes from the Latin word
applicare which means to ‘fold, fasten to,’
ad- ‘to’ + plicare ‘to fold.’
There are a variety of meanings one being in computers- a program or piece of software designed and written to fulfill a particular purpose of the user.
At first I thought that this was going to be a side note but it hit me- An application is to fulfill a purpose- isn’t that what I am doing with the One Word that will change your life book?
I mean think about it with me for a moment. I found this through an application YouVersion Bible which led me to finding the website thus buying the book on Kindle. Before I read the book I was searching for something in the Bible to help me change my life for the better so i can fulfill that which God has placed me here on Earth, kept me alive through several battles with my health both physically and mentally, and still here today the beginning of 2019.
I want to do that which GOD wants me to do, not me and my selfish plans and desires, and this Book is here in front of me, via Kindle Application to fulfill that purpose. So that definition fits here is a list of the other definitions of “Application” :
  • a formal request to an authority for something
  • the action of putting something into operation
  • practical use or relevance
  • the action of putting something on a surface
  • sustained effort; hard work
Each of these makes Application to the action of Doing work. In “One Word…” the authors warn that it won’t be easy and that we will have to work at sustaining a life that will keep our one word in our life for main focus.
I found my word by remembering conversation of the past by important people that God lead me to that changed my life for the better.
Steve Rhodes, the then pastor At First Baptist Church in Alliance, Ohio taught me the importance of fellowship weekly with other Fellow Christians and that we all have struggles and I am not alone in this walk of Faith with Christ and with His people. He told me once that I have knowledge of the bible scriptures but fail at applying them to me daily life. At first I was annoyed with him thinking that he was wrong at the claim, but I see now how God lead that proclamation was to me and about me.
Phil Ross, my current pastor at WellSpring Bible Church said the same thing about the knowledge of Scripture and that I need to apply it to my daily walk. Since he said this to me, i went into hibernation in a sort, looking at my life the things I need to change and delete from my life to make Application of scripture take place better and more accurately. Last week with the reading of this Book i feel God lead me to is that path.

My 2019 One Word Proclamation
I am focusing on the one word that I have been ignoring, Application. I am now ready to make my formal request to God and to Scripture, to put to action the operation of a practical and relevant study and lifestyle to show not only on the surface but to the very depth of my soul, a sustained work that will lead me to a GOD lead life not a Kevin lead life. To glorify God with every step I make toward the ultimate goal, to praise and glorify God in everything I do in Jesus Christ Name.