Friday, December 28, 2018

One Word: Day 2

Day Two
December 28, 2019

I love Chuck Swindoll’s Daily Devotional, I have been reading it for several years. Not until recently have I read it with the deep yearning for more than learning from scripture, i have been wanting more, more of what I didn’t know.
Yesterday I bought and read the Book, “One word that will change your life” by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page. it was so good that I read it in around an hour, it’s a small book but packed cram full with action that i was unable to put down. In fact, I went back to it several times again yesterday and plan to do the same today.
When I was reading chapter Four the authors were loosely teaching on The Parable of the soils. I then re-read the scripture as I wrote yesterday. Today i started thinking about my One Word as I awoke. I went to my computer to change my screen saver back to the word Application from the time clock, I use as a clock next to my bed so i can see the time, as i awake several time at night due to insomnia and neck and back pain, sigh, i’m seeing a sports medicine person, a guy from church.
Anyway, I was at my computer so i started my daily devotionals, first the One Word Devotional on Youversion, then my email. I got to Chuck Swindoll’s and guess what he was teaching on? Yup! Mark 4’s version of The Parable of the Sower. In the book “One Word…” they said that it would be like when you get a new car and then you start seeing that same model everywhere? I was wondering if they were exaggerating or if it were true, its true. Chuck of all devotionals was the first one today that was teaching on the same thing that i started to think about while reading Chapter 4 of “One Word…” And you know what? I assume it was the work of The Holy Spirit you know?
I mean what are the odds of it? I start praying this year almost the same prayer that i prayed several years ago about my mental health, “To get to the root of my mental illness” And God did that for me and it looks like God has answered my prayer this year as well.
I want to get to the root of my spiritual problem and that is what Pastor Steve as I wrote Yesterday said, “Application of the scriptures to my daily life.”
This is going to be a very interesting year. I know that it won’t happen all the time but I am looking forward to that ride as God leads me through it.
At the end of most sermons is a time to reflect on what’s been taught called

- Application-

This is where the hearer hears and lets his/her heart soak in the knowledge, hopefully re-reading scripture and notes from the teaching. This coming year, starting yesterday for me December 27th i intend on doing so.
The action plan is a download you can get on the website: there is a tab on the top of the page that leads you to the download. I suggest to read the book you can get it on Kindle through Amazon, that’s what I did i didn’t want to wait for the hard copy.

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