Once when I was going to bed there was a lot of clothes on the floor and on my bed along with toys and stuffed animals, so I was cleaning up my room. I was lazily doing so, it was late and I really didn't want to put my clothes in the dresser. My drawers were badly filled, all wadded up and thrown in there in a rush, because playing is so much more fun than putting up laundry.
So as I was getting ready for bed I put my clothing on top of my dresser where i had others stuff like toys I wanted for the morning and papers I was saving and the owls and a couple of other things I had saved, a smooth rock and keys I would pretend with.
AS i was rushing to get into bed, my mom came in and said that I need to hurry up and stop lolly gagging around and go to sleep. so I picked up the rest of my toys and threw them in the closet and the cloths from my bed and threw them on top[ of my dresser. Then I slid into bed. As my mom closed the door, the owl pictured above, fell onto my bed and rolled off to the floor, breaking in several pieces.
I was so mad and scared, afraid what was to come next. I knew I was in trouble, because I was told not to do that and to be careful with the owls. My mom and then dad came in to find out what the crash was. They were of course mad and upset that it was broken. Mom cleaned up the owl pieces and was about to throw them away, yelling at me for being so lazy and careless with breakable things.
My dad stopped her and looked at me holding the pieces in a basket that mom had thrown them in and said to me. we aren't going to throw it away I can mend this back together, it will take some time and patience but it will be fixed. I want you to remember this, these were mine and I gave them to you to take care of not to just throw stuff on it carelessly. He noticed I was crying and knew I was sincere when I said sorry.
He fixed the owl to almost new. i looked at it as he placed it on my dresser next to the other one, I had cleaned up my room every day not wanting anything else to break. It took a few days for the pieces to fix together and glue to dry but I made sure that my room was cleaned and I learned a few things with this broken owl.
- Careless work or thinking leads to a mess
- Fixing things takes time and patience
- Being broken doesn't mean its a waist
- My dad loved me enough to allow me to learn
- Forgiveness is fast when Love is in the right place
It took several hours of placing the pieces together and glue them and hold the pieces into place to allow them to fit together. just like it takes time to mend a broken heart or spirit.
We can try and try to fix things on our own, but it takes the right person at the right time to fix things correctly. My dad had calm steady hands, my mom and I are always in a rush and don't think of how things can be mended, it takes a good father to know, see and hear.
Our Holy Father Lord Jesus Christ knows just the right time to fix our spirit and heart and soul after we have been hurt so badly. We want it to be fixed fast, or like me when I was waiting for the owl to be fixed I would look at the unbroken one wishing I had not been so careless.
In this case I caused my own pain i needed to learn a a very helpful thing, if I had put my stuff up the first time i would not have broken the owl in the first place, I learned not to throw a lot of stuff on my dresser.
There are times many times in my life that I have been hurt by other people some major hurts and some minor hurts. I have learned that the small arguments or fights we have with people is always forgivable fast, I rarely stay mad a people.
As for the major issues I am now 45 years old, it has taken most of my life to forgive my abusers, the reasons behind them hurting me are many and deep.
Like my dad did with me when I broke the owl although it was his before mine, he didn't get mad fly off the handle, but was calm and collected, thought about every word he said and action he did.
We need to do the same, when things happen or when we think back on things that have happened to us. We need to stay calm and collected and remember that God is in control he was in control then and is now.
Now the other thing I learned was this:
When was looking at the owl and the days after dad brought it back to me. I looked at the cracks on it and I said to dad, "You can still see the cracks on the side."
Dad said, "Well, when thing get broken they don't go back the exact same way as they were before."
Knowing my dad as I do, He was speaking more than just the owl. I look at the cracks still today and remember what he said.
We may be broken with cracks on the side where only we know about, but we have a good, good father who knows how and when to place the broken pieces back together, we need to have patience.
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