This is a subject often thought about but rarely said aloud. That is until Hillary Clinton passed out on 9-11-2016. Since that day it seems that it is every media blog or show’s main purpose to get a chance at having their say.
With my history of having seizures and now mental illness, I have too suffered the mainstream stigma of fear inspired speech, It borders the line of disregard too. While I was in law enforcement, i had an episode to where my arm and muscles in my neck were not moving, so I was taken to the hospital. And just over a ten hour period, I had several calls from my co-employees and fellow detention officers calling, not to ask if i was okay, but to make sure I was really sick. They didn’t believe me. It went as far as to bring up my CT scan and MRI and EEG reports to show that there was activity causing the problem. The stigma of brain health was alive and well in the 90’s and I suffered the embarrassment of the lies and growing stigmatizes stories to go from one officer to another until I was called into the office, while in recuperation at home to the Lt’s office to go under a personal review to see where and if I still was able to do anything. To make a long story short I was moved to the elevator as my position, thus ending my law enforcement career.
Now was I having seizures, yes. Could they be stopped yes, they were controlled using med. I was able to work the desk and computer jobs, but no I had to be hid away in the elevator, and why STIGMA!!!
Stigma says we are afraid of you now that you have an illness. Stigma says you are not worthy of holding a job and cannot return to human life. Stigma marks a disgrace on that person with neurological and mental illnesses.
Now back to Mrs. Clinton. I have seen so called christian blogs call her unfit because she passed out, because she needed help up the stairs and because she wore glasses used to help people with seizure activity and/or Alzheimer's.
Does this mean she is unfit for duty?
Franklin D. Roosevelt had polio and went to hot springs a lot, was he deemed unfit for duty.
MANY, MANY members of the armed forces live with headaches and much more neurological and mental illnesses, left undiagnosed and some diagnosed but they still were in the armed forces, able to do their job. And Why? Because the needed to.
I have heard many times over the last four years of veterans telling the doctors in the army, navy marines that they have recurring headaches and loss of speech and inability to think clear. The answer they are given take a tylenol and go to sleep you will be fine tomorrow. With one gentlemen tomorrow was the same as the next several years. Headaches that lead to attitude changes and irrational thinking. And now is diagnosed with Bipolar and alzheimer's. Is he unfit for duty now yes, why. Lack of listening by the drs. In the Navy.
Why was I deemed unfit for my job as a desk clerk, lack of concern and pride of what it would look like if they had a detention officer with seizures.
People are arrogant, unlearned and just uncaring for people when it comes to these two subjects. And we as patients know that. I am not at all surprised that Hillary Clinton kept this health trouble to herself. The reason is for the same reon why many teenagers don’t come clean with what they are into whatever the reason because they are scared what others may think.
Hillary CLinton wants to be President of the United States. Does her having seizures or colon problems or any other illness keep her from serving her duties as President?
Does anyone who have neurological disorders or mental illnesses mean they cannot serve in the career the choose? Does it mean they are not knowledgeable?
The answer is always a big fat yes.
No matter what we do or say, Stigma will rule the land.
Stigma is the law of the land in atheism. Survival of the fittest.
And this United States of America is a godless land, self proclaimed by the Commander in chief Obama. He is the leader who proclaimed it and is only one of the reasons why America is going down hill.
The bible says two things about leadership and government that come to mind.
1 timothy 2:1-2 says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Jeremiah 18:7-8 says, “7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.”
This is where we are now in America. People are raging to fear of either one of these candidates are unfit, for whatever reason.
I am not a supporter of either candidate. But if Clinton can do the job and keep her health in good standings then she should have a shot at it. If she needs a break give it to her don’t be the one who calls her out because of illnesses. If the truth be known there is lots of leaders in The Government that have illnesses and still are able to do there job same as the everyday Joe.
I am sure there is one person at your job or school that has an issue, but is still able to work.
And if you still think that that person should not be working. You are issuing Stigma! And should be ashamed of yourself.
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