Thursday, December 14, 2017

My time away.

It's been a long while since I've blogged here. It's been a time of searching, waiting, and cleanup of my life to get more focused on what is important, which is my walk with Jesus Christ. Also  my mental health. Which is why I have done something that was very difficult for me. In this year I have put together two books of poetry.
In these poems are my darkest and deepest feelings and secrets.
It is my heart and soul on paper (or online pages-if you read the kindle version).

What I need to say before i go one is to write a reminder that I have a mental condition called Dissociative Identity Disorder. I would not normally talk about it, only telling a select few friends and family. I find it necessary to say it now because if you do not know what this is then some of the poems will not make since.

I needed to get myself to understand it first so i could release my feelings, anger, confusion and sadness out somehow, i chose poetry. I found it a great release of these mixed up feelings I held on to and buried really for most of my life.

In case you don't know, Dissociative Identity Disorder a mental condition that happens to children around the age of 4-6 years of age. These children, including myself had  traumatic experience happen in these formative years. And most of the time these memories are not remembered until another traumatic experience happens later. Most of the time it is when they are teenagers. Something happens to the person and they start showing signs of different or alternate attitudes or behaviors.

i will write more on this at a later time with help from and friend of mine. I just wanted to assure you the reader that we who have Dissociative Identity Disorder are nothing like what Hollywood plays it to be we are not evil but evil has happened to us as children.
With that I introduce to you my two projects I have been working on this year first Is my new book you can buy here at Amazon: Poems and Dreams

and my first book: Then and Now: Dissociative Identity Disorder System Thoughts

I hope you will read these and enjoy.

Kevin D. Woodson

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